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Course Description

Super­vis­ing oth­ers can be a tough job. Between man­ag­ing your own time and projects, help­ing your team mem­bers solve prob­lems and com­plete tasks, and help­ing other super­vi­sors, your day can fill up before you know it.

The Super­vis­ing Oth­ers course will help super­vi­sors become more effi­cient and pro­fi­cient, with infor­ma­tion on del­e­gat­ing, man­ag­ing time, set­ting goals and expec­ta­tions (for them­selves and oth­ers), pro­vid­ing feed­back, resolv­ing con­flict, and admin­is­ter­ing discipline.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define require­ments for par­tic­u­lar tasks
  • Set expec­ta­tions for your staff
  • Set SMART goals for yourself
  • Help your staff set SMART goals
  • Assign work and del­e­gate appropriately
  • Pro­vide effec­tive, appro­pri­ate feed­back to your staff
  • Man­age your time more efficiently
  • Help your team resolve conflicts
  • Under­stand how to man­age effec­tively in par­tic­u­lar situations
  • Under­stand what a new super­vi­sor needs to do to get started on the right path

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Setting Expectations
Module Three: Setting Goals
Module Four: Assigning Work
Module Five: Degrees of Delegation
Module Six: Implementing Delegation
Module Seven: Providing Feedback
Module Eight: Managing Your Time
Module Nine: Resolving Conflict
Module Ten: Tips for Special Situations
Module Eleven: A Survival Guide for the New Supervisor
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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