Public Speaking Course

Course Description

Accord­ing to a 1973 sur­vey by the Sun­day Times of Lon­don, 41% of peo­ple list pub­lic speak­ing as their biggest fear. For­get small spaces, dark­ness, and spi­ders, stand­ing up in front of a crowd and talk­ing is far more ter­ri­fy­ing for most peo­ple. Through this course you will become more con­fi­dent and relaxed in front of an audi­ence which will trans­late into a suc­cess­ful speak­ing event.

Mas­ter­ing this fear and get­ting com­fort­able speak­ing in pub­lic can be a great ego booster, not to men­tion a huge ben­e­fit to your career. The Pub­lic Speak­ing course will give you some basic pub­lic speak­ing skills, includ­ing in-​depth infor­ma­tion on devel­op­ing an engag­ing pro­gram and deliv­er­ing your pre­sen­ta­tion with power.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Iden­tify their audience
  • Cre­ate a basic outline
  • Orga­nize their ideas
  • Flesh out their presentation
  • Find the right words
  • Pre­pare all the details
  • Over­come nervousness
  • Deliver a pol­ished, pro­fes­sional speech
  • Han­dle ques­tions and com­ments effectively

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Identifying Your Audience
Module Three: Creating a Basic Outline
Module Four: Organizing the Program
Module Five: Fleshing It Out
Module Six: Putting It All Together
Module Seven: Being Prepared
Module Eight: Overcoming Nervousness
Module Nine: Delivering Your Speech (I)
Module Ten: Delivering Your Speech (II)
Module Eleven: Questions and Answers
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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