Lean Process and Six Sigma Course

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Course Description

Six Sigma is a data-​driven approach for elim­i­nat­ing defects and waste in any busi­ness process. You can com­pare Six Sigma with turn­ing your water faucet and expe­ri­enc­ing the flow of clean, clear water. Reli­able sys­tems are in place to purify, treat, and pres­sure the water through the faucet. That is what Six Sigma does to busi­ness: it treats the processes in busi­ness so that they deliver their intended result.

Our Lean Process And Six Sigma course will pro­vide an intro­duc­tion to this way of think­ing that has changed so many cor­po­ra­tions in the world. This course will give you an overview of the Six Sigma method­ol­ogy, and some of the tools required to deploy Six Sigma in your organization.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Develop a 360 degree view of Six Sigma and how it can be imple­mented in any organization.
  • Iden­tify the fun­da­men­tals of lean man­u­fac­tur­ing, lean enter­prise, and lean principles.
  • Describe the key dimen­sions of qual­ity – prod­uct fea­tures and free­dom from deficiencies
  • Develop attrib­utes and value accord­ing to the Kano Model
  • Under­stand how prod­ucts and ser­vices that have the right fea­tures and are free from defi­cien­cies can pro­mote cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and attract and retain new
  • cus­tomers.
  • Describe what is required to reg­u­late a process
  • Give exam­ples of how poor qual­ity affects oper­at­ing expenses in the areas of appraisal, inspec­tion costs, inter­nal fail­ure costs, and exter­nal fail­ure costs
  • Using basic tech­niques such as DMAIC and how to iden­tify Six Sigma Projects
  • Use spe­cific cri­te­ria to eval­u­ate a project
  • Dis­cover root causes of a problem
  • Design and install new con­trols to hold the gains and to pre­vent the prob­lem from returnin

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Understanding Lean
Module Three: Liker’s Toyota Way
Module Four: The TPS House
Module Five: The Five Principles of Lean Business
Module Six: The First Improvement Concept (Value)
Module Seven: The Second Improvement Concept (Waste)
Module Eight: The Third Improvement Concept (Variation)
Module Nine: The Fourth Improvement Concept (Complexity)
Module Ten: The Fifth Improvement Concept (Continuous Improvement)
Module Eleven: The Improvement Toolkit
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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