Developing a Lunch and Learn Course

Course Description

Cre­at­ing a Lunch and Learn ses­sion is a low cost train­ing option. It is a great way to intro­duce a topic or give a small demon­stra­tion on a new prod­uct or ser­vice. You will be shown the cri­te­ria involved in cre­at­ing a great Lunch and Learn envi­ron­ment. They are usu­ally vol­un­tary, thus atten­dance can some­times be an issue. With this course you will be given the knowl­edge work through this issue and oth­ers.

Our Lunch and Learn course will give your orga­ni­za­tion a quick and use­ful tool to add to its train­ing depart­ment. You will be able to use it as a follow-​up or refresher to a pre­vi­ous train­ing ses­sion. It doesn’t have to be just about a learn­ing event, it can also involve col­lab­o­ra­tion, net­work­ing, or shar­ing best prac­tices between employees.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Under­stand what a lunch and learn is and is not
  • Be able to set up and break down
  • Cre­ate new content
  • Address dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions and people
  • Cre­ate use­ful takeaways
  • Use feed­back to improve future lunch and learns

Course Features

  • Qualification Certification
  • Recognition Global
  • Provider Chicago Institute of Business
  • Level Middle Manager Senior Manager
  • Category Human Resources
  • Prerequisites None
  • Study Mode 100% Online
  • Location Online
  • Start Date Anytime
  • Study Load 10 hours
  • Videos Yes
  • Assessment 80% pass mark. Unlimited attempts. No negative marking
  • Not the Right Course?
    See Body Language Skills Course

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I am interested in Developing a Lunch and Learn Course

Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: The Prep Work
Module Three: Creating the Content (I)
Module Four: Creating the Content (II)
Module Five: During the Session
Module Six: Food and Facilities
Module Seven: Take Away Material
Module Eight: Difficult Situations or People
Module Nine: What a Lunch and Learn Is Not
Module Ten: Best Practices (I)
Module Eleven: Best Practices (II)
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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Premium Mini MBA


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