Millennial Onboarding Course

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Course Description

Mil­len­nial Onboard­ing is a spe­cial­ized type of employee onboard­ing. With Mil­len­ni­als we are see­ing a need to tweak the onboard­ing process to bet­ter suit the needs of the com­pany and new hires. It will increase pro­duc­tiv­ity and pro­duce a hap­pier and more skilled work­force.

The new hire phase is a crit­i­cal time for the employee and com­pany and hav­ing a struc­tured set of pro­ce­dures will make this time run smoother and pro­duce a greater chance of success.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
    •    Define onboard­ing

    •    Dis­cuss the char­ac­ter­is­tics of Millennials

    •    Cre­ate an onboard­ing process for Millennials

    •    Develop action plans for work­ing with Millennials

    •    Learn from introspection

Course Features

  • Qualification Certification
  • Recognition Global
  • Provider Chicago Institute of Business
  • Level Middle Manager Senior Manager
  • Category Human Resources
  • Prerequisites None
  • Study Mode 100% Online
  • Location Online
  • Start Date Anytime
  • Study Load 10 hours
  • Videos Yes
  • Assessment 80% pass mark. Unlimited attempts. No negative marking
  • Not the Right Course?
    See Employee Recruitment Course

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Purpose of Onboarding
Module Three: Introduction
Module Four: Millennials and Onboarding
Module Five: Onboarding Checklist
Module Six: Engaging the Millennial Employee
Module Seven: Following Up With the Millennial Employee
Module Eight: Setting Expectations with the Millennial Employee
Module Nine: Mentoring the Millennial
Module Ten: Assigning Work to the Millennial Employee
Module Eleven: Providing Feedback
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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