Employee Onboarding Course

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Course Description

Employee Onboard­ing is an impor­tant and vital part of any com­pa­nies hir­ing pro­ce­dure. Hir­ing, train­ing, and bring­ing new employ­ees on board cost a lot of money and are major invest­ments. Onboard­ing is a secure invest­ment that will assist newly hired employ­ees in devel­op­ing and keep­ing their skills, knowl­edge, and value within the com­pany. It will stop highly skilled work­ers from being lured to a com­peti­tor, which makes your com­pany stronger within the market.

Through Employee Onboard­ing you will find it low­ers costs related to employee turnover. It will increase pro­duc­tiv­ity and pro­duce a hap­pier and more skilled work­force. The new hire phase is a crit­i­cal time for the employee and com­pany and hav­ing a struc­tured set of pro­ce­dures will make this time run smoother and pro­duce a greater chance of success.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define onboard­ing.
  • Under­stand the ben­e­fits and pur­pose of onboarding.
  • Rec­og­nize how to pre­pare for an onboard­ing program.
  • Iden­tify ways to engage and fol­low up with employees.
  • Cre­ate expectations.
  • Dis­cover the impor­tance of resiliency and flexibility.

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Purpose of Onboarding
Module Three: Introduction
Module Four: Onboarding Preparation
Module Five: Onboarding Checklist
Module Six: Creating an Engaging Program
Module Seven: Following Up with New Employees
Module Eight: Setting Expectations
Module Nine: Resiliency and Flexibility
Module Ten: Assigning Work
Module Eleven: Providing Feedback
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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