Train-the-Trainer Course

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Course Description

Whether you are prepar­ing to be a pro­fes­sional trainer, or you are some­one who does a bit of train­ing as a part of their job, you’ll want to be pre­pared for the train­ing that you do. Your par­tic­i­pants will begin the process of becom­ing train­ers them­selves, and under­stand that train­ing is a process where skills, knowl­edge, and atti­tudes are applied.

The Train-​The-​Trainer course will give all types of trainer’s tools to help you cre­ate and deliver engag­ing, com­pelling work­shops that will encour­age trainees to come back for more. Skills such as facil­i­tat­ing, needs analy­ses, under­stand­ing participant’s needs, and man­ag­ing tough top­ics will give your trainees what the need to become a trainer themselves.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define train­ing, facil­i­tat­ing, and presenting
  • Under­stand how to iden­tify par­tic­i­pants’ train­ing needs
  • Cre­ate a les­son plan that incor­po­rates the range of learn­ing preferences
  • Cre­ate an active, engag­ing learn­ing environment
  • Develop visual aids and sup­port­ing materials
  • Man­age dif­fi­cult par­tic­i­pants and tough topics

Course Features

  • Qualification Certification
  • Recognition Global
  • Provider Chicago Institute of Business
  • Level Middle Manager Senior Manager
  • Category Human Resources
  • Prerequisites None
  • Study Mode 100% Online
  • Location Online
  • Start Date Anytime
  • Study Load 10 hours
  • Videos No
  • Assessment 80% pass mark. Unlimited attempts. No negative marking
  • Not the Right Course?
    See Supervising Others Course

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Understanding Training and Facilitation
Module Three: Gathering Materials
Module Four: Creating a Lesson Plan
Module Five: Choosing Activities
Module Six: Preparing for the Workshop
Module Seven: Getting Off on the Right Foot
Module Eight: Delivery Tips and Tricks
Module Nine: Keeping it Interactive
Module Ten: Dealing With Difficult Participants
Module Eleven: Tackling Tough Topics
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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