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To lead your orga­ni­za­tion you must look beyond your func­tional role!

The Chicago Insti­tute of Busi­ness Online Mini-​MBA is a com­pre­hen­sive busi­ness lead­er­ship and man­age­ment devel­op­ment pro­gram that pro­vides leading-​edge busi­ness skills, coach­ing and lead­er­ship train­ing to help pro­pel your career forward.

At the end of this pro­gram, you will have been exposed to key man­age­ment con­cepts that drive organ­i­sa­tional growth. From finance to mar­ket­ing to human resource man­age­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, project man­age­ment and busi­ness lead­er­ship, you will gain solid and cohe­sive insights and under­stand­ing of each func­tion and how it con­tributes to orga­ni­za­tional success.

Through many case stud­ies and prac­ti­cal, real life sce­nar­ios within the course mate­ri­als, you will be able to imme­di­ately inte­grate the key take-​aways into your every­day role.

While a “Mini-​MBA can­not replace the depth of an MBA, they offer a con­cise and dynamic approach which rapidly pre­pares you to han­dle new sce­nar­ios as a smart mid­dle man­ager while strength­en­ing your pro­duc­tiv­ity, con­fi­dence and decision-​making abilities.

The Mini-​MBA Pro­gram is great for you if any of the fol­low­ing applies to you:

  • You are in mid­dle man­age­ment and you need the required busi­ness knowl­edge in order to advance in the workplace.
  • You do not have the time for an MBA.
  • You have expe­ri­ence in one or more key func­tional areas of busi­ness and you wish to improve your gen­eral busi­ness acu­men, lead­er­ship skills, and career potential.
  • You have at least three to four years total work experience.
  • You are an expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sional cur­rently in tran­si­tion to another career. You are look­ing for an oppor­tu­nity to update your skills, stay abreast of cur­rent trends in busi­ness, and demon­strate to hir­ing man­agers your ded­i­ca­tion to pro­fes­sional development.

The Key Ben­e­fits include:

  • Strengthen your over­all busi­ness acu­men and gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the key func­tional areas of busi­ness, includ­ing the frame­works, mod­els and levers that drive orga­ni­za­tional success.
  • Develop the skills needed to think strate­gi­cally across dif­fer­ent func­tions in your organization.
  • Gain expe­ri­ence in problem-​solving and in apply­ing new tech­niques, strate­gies and skills.


As you complete each of the thirteen (13) courses in the Chicago Institute of Business Online Mini-MBA Program, you will be able to auto­mat­i­cally down­load each course cer­tifi­cate. When you complete the thirteenth course you will find your Mini-MBA certificate in the "My Certificates" section of your account page.

At the end of your study you will have received a total of fourteen (14) cer­tifi­cates of com­ple­tion (13 from each course and an over­all cer­tifi­cate for this pro­gram). We call it the 14-​in-​1 offer!

Better still should you require a stamped hard copy of your certificate(s), we can deliver same to any address of your choosing anywhere in the world. Simply go to the "Order Hard Copy Certificate" section of your account page.

What are you still waiting for? Enroll now for the Chicago Institute of Business Online Mini-MBA Program and take your place in senior management!

Program Features

  • Qualification Certification
  • Recognition Global
  • Provider Chicago Institute of Business
  • Prerequisites None
  • Study Mode 100% Online
  • Location Online
  • Start Date Anytime
  • Study Load 130 hours
  • Videos Yes
  • Assessment 80% pass mark. Unlimited attempts. No negative marking
  • Not the Right Certificate Program?
    See Fundamental Human Resource Certificate

Courses: 13 (13 Com­pul­sory)

    Compulsory Courses (13)
  • Bookkeeping Basics Course
    • Module One: Introduction
    • Module Two: Basic Terminology (I)
    • Module Three: Basic Terminology (II)
    • Module Four: Accounting Methods
    • Module Five: Keeping Track of Your Business
    • Module Six: Understanding the Balance Sheet
    • Module Seven: Other Financial Statements
    • Module Eight: Payroll Accounting / Terminology
    • Module Nine: End of Period Procedures
    • Module Ten: Financial Planning, Budgeting and Control
    • Module Eleven: Auditing
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Budgets and Financial Reports Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Glossary
    • Module Three: Understanding Financial Statements
    • Module Four: Analyzing Financial Statements (I)
    • Module Five: Analyzing Financial Statements (II)
    • Module Six: Understanding Budgets
    • Module Seven: Budgeting Made Easy
    • Module Eight: Advanced Forecasting Techniques
    • Module Nine: Managing the Budget
    • Module Ten: Making Smart Purchasing Decisions
    • Module Eleven: A Glimpse into the Legal World
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Business Acumen Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Seeing the Big Picture
    • Module Three: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
    • Module Four: Risk Management Strategies
    • Module Five: Recognizing Learning Events
    • Module Six: You Need to Know These Answers and More
    • Module Seven: Financial Literacy (I)
    • Module Eight: Financial Literacy (II)
    • Module Nine: Business Acumen in Management
    • Module Ten: Critical Thinking in Business
    • Module Eleven: Key Financial Levers
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Business Ethics Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: What is Ethics?
    • Module Three: Implementing Ethics in the Workplace
    • Module Four: Employer/Employee Rights
    • Module Five: Business & Social Responsibilities
    • Module Six: Ethical Decisions
    • Module Seven: Whistle Blowing
    • Module Eight: Managerial Ethics
    • Module Nine: Unethical Behavior
    • Module Ten: Ethics in Business (I)
    • Module Eleven: Ethics in Business (II)
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Effective Business Writing Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Working with Words
    • Module Three: Constructing Sentences
    • Module Four: Creating Paragraphs
    • Module Five: Writing Meeting Agendas
    • Module Six: Writing E-mails
    • Module Seven: Writing Business Letters
    • Module Eight: Writing Proposals
    • Module Nine: Writing Reports
    • Module Ten: Other Types of Documents
    • Module Eleven: Proofreading and Finishing
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Effective Communication Strategies Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: The Big Picture
    • Module Three: Understanding Communication Barriers
    • Module Four: Paraverbal Communication Skills
    • Module Five: Non-Verbal Communication
    • Module Six: Speaking Like a STAR
    • Module Seven: Listening Skills
    • Module Eight: Asking Good Questions
    • Module Nine: Appreciative Inquiry
    • Module Ten: Mastering the Art of Conversation
    • Module Eleven: Advanced Communication Skills
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Entrepreneurship Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Decide on the Type of Business
    • Module Three: What Is the Market/Competition Like?
    • Module Four: Basics of Starting a Business
    • Module Five: Create a Business Plan
    • Module Six: Get Financing
    • Module Seven: Hire Employees
    • Module Eight: Training Employees
    • Module Nine: Market the Business
    • Module Ten: Run the Business
    • Module Eleven: Grow the Business
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Mastering Human Resource Management Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Human Resources Today
    • Module Three: Recruiting and Interviewing
    • Module Four: Retention and Orientation
    • Module Five: Following Up With New Employees
    • Module Six: Workplace Health & Safety
    • Module Seven: Workplace Bullying, Harassment, and Violence
    • Module Eight: Workplace Wellness
    • Module Nine: Providing Feedback to Employees
    • Module Ten: Disciplining Employees
    • Module Eleven: Terminating Employees
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Leadership and Influence Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: The Evolution of Leadership
    • Module Three: Situational Leadership
    • Module Four: A Personal Inventory
    • Module Five: Modeling the Way
    • Module Six: Inspiring a Shared Vision
    • Module Seven: Challenging the Process
    • Module Eight: Enabling Others to Act
    • Module Nine: Encouraging the Heart
    • Module Ten: Basic Influencing Skills
    • Module Eleven: Setting Goals
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Marketing Essentials Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: What is Marketing?
    • Module Three: Common Marketing Types (I)
    • Module Four: Common Marketing Types (II)
    • Module Five: The Marketing Mix
    • Module Six: Communicating the Right Way
    • Module Seven: Customer Communications
    • Module Eight: Marketing Goals
    • Module Nine: The Marketing Funnel
    • Module Ten: Marketing Mistakes (I)
    • Module Eleven: Marketing Mistakes (II)
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Successful Project Management Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Key Concepts (I)
    • Module Three: Key Concepts (II)
    • Module Four: Initiation (I)
    • Module Five: Initiation (II)
    • Module Six: Planning (I)
    • Module Seven: Planning (II)
    • Module Eight: Planning Tools
    • Module Nine: Executing the Project
    • Module Ten: Maintaining and Controlling the Project
    • Module Eleven: Closing Out
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Sales Essentials Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Understanding the Talk
    • Module Three: Getting Prepared to Make the Call
    • Module Four: Creative Openings
    • Module Five: Making Your Pitch
    • Module Six: Handling Objections
    • Module Seven: Sealing the Deal
    • Module Eight: Following Up
    • Module Nine: Setting Goals
    • Module Ten: Managing Your Data
    • Module Eleven: Using a Prospect Board
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
  • Teamwork and Team Building Course
    • Module One: Getting Started
    • Module Two: Defining Success
    • Module Three: Types of Teams
    • Module Four: The First Stage of Team Development – Forming
    • Module Five: The Second Stage of Team Development – Storming
    • Module Six: The Third Stage of Team Development – Norming
    • Module Seven: The Fourth Stage of Team Development – Performing
    • Module Eight: Team Building Activities
    • Module Nine: Making the Most of Team Meetings
    • Module Ten: Solving Problems as a Team
    • Module Eleven: Encouraging Teamwork
    • Module Twelve: Wrapping Up